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/ PC-SIG: World of Utilities / PC-SIG's World of Utilities (PC-SIG) (1994).iso / UPDATES / DISK2084.ZIP / PC-FILE.A02
ARJ Archive  |  1993-09-16  |  362KB

This file was processed as: ARJ Archive (archive/arj).

You can browse this item here: PC-FILE.A02

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert ARJ Archive (arj) magic
100% file ARJ archive data, v4, multi-volume, slash-switched, created 16 sep 1980+13, original name: PC-FILE.A02, os: MS-DOS default
99% file data default
50% TrID ARJ compressed archive (multi volume 0x14) default
49% TrID ARJ compressed archive default
100% siegfried fmt/610 ARJ File Format default